The Cheeseburger In Paradise Event turned three years old this year, and it was the biggest year yet! Approximately 300 boats and close to 4,000 people turned up for what has become one of the biggest parties of the entire year! On July 3rd Fiddle Cay was buzzing with activity as the gorgeous weather set the perfect backdrop for this years event. New to the event this year was the VIP section which featured all those who donated $250 or more to this wonderful charity event. Thanks to the generous sponsors this year’s event was the biggest success yet, raising over $70,000! Sponsors this year came from local Green Turtle Cay businesses like Green Turtle Club, Leeward Yacht Club, Pineapples, Sunset Marine, and D&P Golf Cart Rentals, to more Bahamian brands like Aliv, John Watlings, Sands, and Walkers Cay. Top sponsors recognized from the United States were Casamigos Tequila, Bahama Boat Works, Cheney Brothers, Phocus, and even Green Turtle Cay visitors like The Goode Family and Empty Pockets came in with top level support. As has become the tradition, all the proceeds from this year’s event went to the Amy Roberts Primary School, the Volunteer Fire Department, and other wonderful organizations on Green Turtle Cay. This event showcases the best of the community as everyone bands together to raise money for these very valuable and important organizations based on Green Turtle Cay. If you missed out on this year’s party don’t be sad, make sure you mark your calendar for next year’s event – July 2nd, 2019 which promises to be the biggest yet!